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Irish Coffee

  1. Prepare the whipped cream by shaking the heavy cream and superfine sugar in a mason jar.
  2. Heat the glass with hot water.  Remove the water and add the whiskey.  Microwave the whiskey briefly to bring it up to about 120 degrees.
  3. Add the coffee and Turbinado sugar, stirring to combine.
  4. Float the cream on top.

Prep Time 2 minutes
Servings 1
Category Toddy
Tags 1933-1969 (Tiki to Martinis), Dessert, Morning Drink
Proof 13.2
Strength 1 standard drinks
Glass White Wine Glass
Temp Hot

For the cream, you want a thinner texture than normal whipped cream that can stand up in peaks.  You can get this easily by just shaking the cream with a little sugar in a pint mason jar with a mixing ball.  There are balls sold for this purpose or you can use any plastic ball or a couple of dice.  This agitates the cream into what amounts to a soupy latte foam consistency.  It is not so thick that it can hold its shape, but it is light enough to float on the coffee.  I have found the mixing ball is not strictly necessary.

I have found Columbian (or other Central American) coffees do well in this drink.  Stay away from African coffees that are to fruity.

This drink is easier to make in batches.  You don't want to whip cream for every serving.  Feel free to double or quadruple the recipe.

Ingredient Profile

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